January 14, 2004
Oh Buoy

CNet has sold all songs previously on MP3.com to TruSonic, a company that licenses muzak to hotels, businesses, etc. I could have opted out, but there's no way I would have even considered doing so. I can only dream that somewhere, in some godforsaken elevator, someone is hearing the opening strains of "The Purification of GOT" right now.

Posted on 03:12 PM
January 09, 2004

If you thought Michele's nubby-ball tongue ring was a thinly-disguised sex toy you ain't seen nothin' yet!

Posted on 11:26 AM
January 01, 2004

I went on a book-excursion to Pegasus & Pendragon Books today. I returned with more CDs than books, but that's OK because Miles Davis and Nels Cline are OK kinds of people. While flipping through the booklet for Instrumentals (by the Nels Cline Singers), I discovered that this CD is connected to me by a few odd coincidences. First, the song "Suspended Head" is dedicated to Deerhoof. Jason gave me a copy of a Deerhoof album a few months ago and promised me that I'd love it. I'm a little ashamed to admit that I still haven't listened to it yet, but that's link number one. Not impressed yet? Also thanked in the liner notes is "univibe (berkeley)". If you've been to my house, you'll know that we live no more than a block from Univibe. Or at least where Univibe stood when we moved here. Sadly, Univibe closed down and has been replaced by Spud's Pizza. I wonder if Nels Cline knows? I wonder if he'll visit righteous experimental guitar vengeance upon Spud's? Maybe I can shake his hand when he visits.

Posted on 10:29 PM