Today has been an unexpected, but delightful, Home Improvement day. I've been rather unhappy with the arrangement of our living room for quite some time, but have never really done much about it. Thankfully, though, one of my roommates (Katie) decided that she greatly disliked the current layout of the apartment and that this weekend it was time to do something about it. So, after some very successful shopping at thrift stores (chairs and decorations), Home Depot (wood stain and various supplies), and Ikea (islands for the kitchen), our apartment is ever so much more livable.
students? bachelors? no. none of those here. this apartment is for grown-up people who have dining room tables, kitchen islands and trickly fountains from buddhist monasteries. oh yes.
Posted by: dianna on September 1, 2003 11:41 AMOh my, when will you be hosting your next function? I'll bring the Chard and the Cab.
Posted by: jason on September 1, 2003 01:08 PM