This is really, really cool. In case you're scared to click the link without a description, it's a site with photographs of the ENTIRE shoreline of Washinton (state). All 2,500 miles of it. My favorite parts are the absolutely uninhabited areas. Just miles and miles of trees, going right up to the water. Le sigh....
Clicking will only make it bigger.
I kind of feel like this is my very own comment page. It's neat, I can do anything I want on this page, because no one is paying attention. I can walk around, no, not naked, but semi-nude.
I'm semi-nude in here...
Half of my clothing is strewn about on the floor.
I've decided to set up a rec room in here. There will be a dart board, a pool table, and half of my clothing on the floor, with possibly a sock dangling from the pool table. I'll have couches and some smooth music coming from a stereo system that could knock you out! I'm gonna go bargain shopping this weekends for curiosity items and neon signs. I've already got a yellow sign that says "Smooth Operator On Board."
Posted by: jason on October 24, 2002 10:43 PMSounds sort of like what happened in the basement of the Proo' house oh so long ago.
Posted by: Doug on October 25, 2002 09:04 AMreally? nude jason in the proo' basement? man, where was I? I mean where WAS I?
Posted by: didofoot on October 25, 2002 09:50 AMi think he meant more the mess than the nude, kristen. which is not to say that jason wasn't frequently wandering around down there in just a bathrobe. which is semi-nude i guess.
i have to say though that i hella wish we'd had a sign proclaiming: "Smooth Operator on Board" down there. instead we just had alex trebeck with shaving cream. it's not quite the same.
Posted by: michele on October 25, 2002 09:54 AMAnd flashing lights that said SEMEN. Don't forget the semen. It hasn't forgotten you.
Posted by: jason on October 26, 2002 12:12 PMoh crap. i am so ashamed. i had forgotten the semen.
Posted by: michele on October 27, 2002 11:54 AMWell, for one I didn't even read this story because I don't like to read so you schould make somthing that talks so knowone has to read . And i an worning you do it or i swear that i will kill you!!!!!!!!!!! HA! HA! HA! HA !HA !HA !HA !HA
Posted by: Tom Hackert on December 5, 2004 06:06 AM