Everyone has birthdays. Some people just have them a little more often than others. That last sentence wasn't supposed to mean anything, but was a neat excuse to link to all of Dianna's older birthday posts. Because, you see, Dianna is 25 today. Here's to birthdays, and especially to Dianna's birthday. I love you, bot.
your last post was over a year ago. i give you two thumbs up for celebrating your aging girlfriend's birth. two thumbs, right up. i wish i was 25 again. stupid 27. live it up, dianna, go rent a car.
is that picture from the album of angry ghost haters? because seriously those people are getting demented. they think BELLA is CUTE. dammit though, she is cute. curse her deceptive appearence.
Posted by: michele on May 7, 2006 11:19 PMHappy birthday to D-Dub!
Avenue Canyons is officially no longer a ghost blog.
Posted by: sean on May 7, 2006 11:38 PMThank you, Sean, although I don't think this change will last. I had to make the trembly-lip sad face today to get a birthday post out of the man.
And Michele, the angry ghost stalkers are out of luck now because the album's been password-protected. I don't need to be a "go tell this girl she's ugly" post on some fucking bbs somewhere. Especially not for people who are going to bitch about my beloved cheek piercings. In any case: same shirt, different album.
Jacob, your blog has only been reactivated for a few hours and already I've filled it with profanity. I'd apologize if I thought you were at all surprised by it.
Posted by: Dianna on May 8, 2006 12:04 AMHang on. That was entirely the wrong attitude to take in responding to this post. Jacob! Thank you! I had a lovely birthday and it was all thanks to you! I love you sappy sap sap!
Much better.
Posted by: Dianna on May 8, 2006 12:09 AMGag. Oops, I mean: so effing cute! And the cheekbots were so darling.
Posted by: katie on May 8, 2006 02:59 AMWhy the crap indeed. You just listen and I shall tell you.
The real reason the UC system is out of money is that there's a clause in the charter which requires that the university give each student a birthday present. The November people get hot chocolate; the June people get ice cream. The May people get finals. On the one hand, they're not as tasty, but on the other hand, I know that the whole campus is celebrating with me.
Posted by: Dianna on May 8, 2006 06:29 PMi shall do my best to make a vegan birthday cake for the pool party. this i swear to you. possibly laziness will get me down and i'll just buy a vegan birthday cake. but the thought will still be there.
Posted by: michele on May 8, 2006 06:37 PMI could totally bring the chocolate tofu pie from Staff of Life (hur, hur). That thing has so much palm shortening in it that contact exposure might give you a heart attack. Man, that thing is good.
Posted by: katie on May 8, 2006 09:55 PM