I like to listen to loud music. Not necessarily, "loud music," like heavy metal. I mean that whatever I'm listening to, I want it loud. I like songs to fill my head so that they're the only thing I can concentrate on. And if I find my mind accidentally wandering, I'll hit that good old rewind button.
I like to listen to certain songs on repeat for half an hour. I like to listen to parts of songs on repeat for half an hour. I like to savor individual notes, relishing them both isolated from and in the context of the rest of the song.
My relationship with music is religious.
yes. very loud. sorry, i didn't realize when i'd ask you to turn it down, i was fucking with your spirituality. many apologies.
Posted by: erica on November 30, 2002 04:08 PMMy spirituality is understanding of other people's bedtimes.
Posted by: Jacob on November 30, 2002 05:49 PM