March 15, 2003
Magic Finger

Prepare to be wowed in a musical fashion. I went to American Elf this morning, as I often do, and saw a link to a song he had made called "Show Respect to Michael Jackson." When I went to the James Kochalka Superstar site on, I was amazed to discover that James Kochalka is the creator of "Monkey vs Robot"! It's like someone telling me that, oh by the way, Neal Stephenson also invented the light bulb.

UPDATE: Because is a stupid, direct links to the songs have been taken down. But you should definitely go to James Kochalka Superstar's page and listen to all of his songs. Because they're cool.

Posted on March 15, 2003 01:27 PM

check your links dude.

Posted by: gene on March 15, 2003 03:08 PM

Goddamn it. I forgot that doesn't let you direct-link to songs.

Posted by: Jacob on March 15, 2003 08:17 PM

That better be the last mistake you ever make, Jacob, or it'll be the last mistake you ever make!

Posted by: jason on March 16, 2003 03:29 AM